What is Nettle?

Stinging nettle originates as a native shrub in colder regions of Europe and Asia and is now found worldwide. Young stinging nettle leaves are eaten as a cooked vegetable. In traditional medicines, its root and aerial parts have been used for many centuries. Its name comes from its leaves and stems that release irritating chemicals when they contact your skin. Containing more than fifty different chemical constituents, stinging nettle is rich in albumin, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, C, D and B complexes. Traditionally, stinging nettle is used as a preventative medicine for hair loss and urination problems related to an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH). Extracts of nettle root treat enlarged prostate glands by inhibiting production of the hormone DHT, which is responsible for hair loss. People in Northern China and Mongolia use stinging nettle as a spices in daily life, and they have the lowest percentage of male baldness in the
world. In addition, taking stinging nettle orally or applying it to skin reduces pain related to osteoarthritis due to its constituent Histamine. Also, there is evidence suggesting that using stinging nettle at the first signs of hay fever provides relief and improves blood circulation.  The natural nettle source for Nutridom Nettle 2000 is selected carefully by our research team and is processed in certified GMP manufacturing facility for safety and effectiveness. Only the vegetable capsules that do not chemically react with the nettle are used in encapsulating process. For those who like to take it as tea, each capsule can be easily dissembled, and the inside powder can be used as tea in warm water. Nutridom Nettle 2000 is recommended for those with symptoms such as hair loss and urination problems related to hormonal issues, rheumatism, arthritic pain, and lethargy

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