Fighting the Karma with Serrapeptase- helps you fly away!

IS THIS KARMA? Our body fights for us (or for itself) and it makes a point of letting us know that, often real-time. Oh how we would rather be billed later, but the swelling, the mucous blocking usual pathways and of course, the pain, they don't wait. Makes us look back on ourselves, right? Can't wait, won't wait.

Inflammation is the body's natural reaction to injury or wounds that protects the body from general infection, allergic reactions, and further bleeding. The downside of this, of course, is that it accompanies unpleasant symptoms such as mucous, stuffy nose, swollen throat, pain and fever, to name a few! So here is what we offer:

Serrapeptase is an enzyme produced by bacteria living in silkworms, used to dissolve their cocoon while emerging from it as a moth, and it has been medically used in Europe and Asia for more than 25 years now, and its popularity in North America is rising as well.


-Breaks down the mucous

-Helps reducing pain and secretion from ear, nose and throat infection

-Relieves stuffy nose and sinus congestion associated with seasonal allergy

-No drowsiness or lightheadedness unlike conventional anti-histamine drugs

Nutridom Serrapeptase comes enteric-coated, making it resistant to stomach acid and allow it to reach the small intestine in its optimal, activated state

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